Patrick Carle
BCOMM, MBA, Certified digital auditor, Certified Trainer
Audit industry 4.0, management and strategy consulting and training
Audit industry 4.0, management and strategy consulting and training
Patrick benefits from an expertise built over twenty years acquired within large and small organizations in several industries (B2B, wholesale trade, tourism, telecommunications, manufacturing, incubators, chambers of commerce, aviation). His management or advisory roles have allowed him to demonstrate his ability to maintain the level of performance and commitment of his teams even in times of major change.
Specialized in digital and strategic transformation, Patrick is fascinated by the opportunities that technology offers to leaders who wish to innovate and transform. Tech-savvy, Patrick has an unmatched ability to take complex business concepts / issues and make them simple and solvable through his experiences in multiple business functions (strategy, sales / marketing, procurement, finance and business analysis / intelligence, etc. )