Are you too busy to innovate?
Are your business processes slowing your business growth?
At this time, we are all convinced that innovation is the most important tool for the survival of our companies. It is absolutely crucial for achieving sustainable success for your business. Yet somehow so many organizations are just too busy to innovate? Do you know exactly how to incorporate some automated processes to help your business grow and prosper?
The team of experts in digital transformation at Levasseur Warren will guide your company step by step through all the necessary stages of this revolution that will benefit your productivity and profitability.

How can leaders innovate their business when they’re uncertain of where to start?
Automate to innovate
Automation is taking over the business world, thanks to new technologies that are becoming available for every company to use. Now, companies of all sizes can create a custom automated process unique to their specific needs and transform their business into a more productive and efficient organization.
What processes should you automate?
Business process automation is open to all kinds of solutions and is not restricted. To easily identify factors that can indicate the need for automation we’ve created a short list to consider:
- High-volume of time spent in a task (Time management)
- Low ROI from a specific task (Cost analysis)
- Multiple people required to execute tasks (Resources revision)
- Significant impact on other processes and systems (Ripple effect)
- Need for compliance and audit trails (Regulation logistics)

If your enterprise could benefit from an improvement in any or all of these factors, then it will benefit from automation.
To help you brainstorm where your business could start automating, the following are examples of the most common automated processes in businesses today:
- Invoice processing
- Purchasing and sales orders
- Account reconciliation
- Helpdesk support
- Data aggregation and migration
- Backup and restoration
- Employee requests
- Call center processes
- Time and attendance tracking
- Collections/account management
- Lead nurturing/funneling
Contact us today and take advantage of our free consultation. Our team of experts will gladly help you find which one of your business processes qualifies for digital transformation.
Specializing in digital transformation, Levasseur Warren will guide your company step by step through all the necessary stages of this revolution that will benefit your productivity and profitability.
Our services
- Web applications
- Mobile applications
- Customized software
- Co-development (thanks to our expert and dedicated teams)
- Technological subcontracting
How much time do employees in your company have for creativity and strategic thinking? Do you have a vision on transforming ‘busy-ness’ into business? Or are you too busy pulling a cart on square wheels? If so, our team of experts would love to discuss your processes to help you.

Organization structures that allow our collaborators to innovate must be put in place. Getting the right people to help is a game changer influencing huge new revenue growth for the long term.
If our time goes to the “urgent but not important” quadrant, your business is condemned to die.
Big innovative companies like Apple or Tesla have two “not very well kept” secrets: Planning and challenging assumptions.
They schedule time for innovation since it won’t happen organically – the influence to engage in the “Urgent, not important” quadrant is endearingly seductive, however leaders of successful organizations discipline their focus to not engage. They prefer to challenge the “Status Quo” by analyzing and understanding how users interact with their products and processes.
When your daily work tasks conflict with attaining your goals, it’s time to take action, re-tune, and plan more time for the important long-term projects. Those projects are the ones that will assure your company remains relevant in an ever-changing world.
Ever pay attention to how students adopt or adapt to new products? They’re the ones along with the semi-employed who start using the latest APPs or Technology simply because they have the time and the exposure necessary to discover all the features and benefits of digital innovation. The busy executives are still trying to figure out how to use the new Iphone while reminiscing about the days where Blackberry was the preferred business tool.
Eisenhower said, “What’s important is seldom urgent, and what’s urgent is seldom important.” In any active business, there are urgent things demanding our attention. Business owners or leaders have never ending to-do lists filled with things that need to get done immediately, leaving no time for strategic reflections.
The Eisenhower Decision Matrix organizes these to-do’s on the axes of importance and urgency.
Why start the digital transformation?
Digital transformation benefits any business in many ways. Here are some of the benefits.
- Reduce your operating costs and expenses by automating your various activities and communicating more quickly, efficiently and consistently.
- Generate more profits.By training your employees in the future technologies and using various digital strategies, such as harvesting data to make more informed decisions, you could increase your revenue by 23% (according to IDG)
- Increase your production capacity and improve the quality of your products(e.g. by carrying out quality checks in less time and more efficiently).
- Enhance the customer experience by meeting each customer’s needs without delay and build a robust and long-term relationship with them.
- Motivate your employees and foster their sense of ownership of your company: digital companies tend to be more transparent and better at communicating with each other while providing ongoing training to help employees achieve their professional goals. Engaging your employees by going digital can save you significant losses, as demotivated employees tend to be less productive and less loyal to their employer.
- Capture the attention of talent and increase your employee retention rate.
- Adapt more quickly to changes and new customer expectations: digital companies are more resilient and flexible than others and evolve more efficiently within their market.